The best place to locate an Editor, Publisher, Publicist, register for and gain memberships within well-known Associations, here’s the list.  Everything publishing, or rather ‘self-publishing’ and a whole lot more – getting involved and learning the industry from the ground up, will help you go farther than you could possibly imagine.  Don’t delay, do it today.  Are you connected to an association not listed here?  Please tell me about it.

BookBaby – Free Guides 

Association of Canadian Publishers

Canadian Publishers Council

Book Publishers Association of British Columbia

Book Publishers Association of Alberta

Book Publishers Association of Saskatchewan

Book Publishers Association of Manitoba

Book Publishers Association of Ontario

Book Publishers of Atlantic Canada

First Nations, Inuit, & Metis Publishers & Distributors 

Canadian Music Publishers Association

Song Writers Association of Canada

News Media Canada

Literary Press Group of Canada

Magazines Canada

Wikipedia – Canadian Publishers

Penguin Random House – Associated Publishers

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