Canadian Copyright Act, Registration & Laws

It’s not enough to wing-it, don’t make any guesses here!  You cannot claim innocent to Copyright infringement – it’s a criminal offense – whether you know or don’t know, it is up to you to learn and find out, prior to writing anything about anyone, or their work.  Know how to protect your work, and understand how to prevent a potential lawsuit.  Here are the links to Canadian Copyright Law – the Act & Registration, Q&A, FAQ, and legal advice on all the Do’s and Don’ts.  Do the DIY and the CYA, you won’t regret it in the long term.

Government of Canada ~ Copyright Act & Registration

Library and Archives Canada ~ Legal Deposit Program 

Library and Archives Canada ~ Deposit of Digital Publications

Library and Archives Canada ~ Deposit of Physical Publications

Government of Canada – Justice Laws Website Links

Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency

Copyright Clearance Center

Ryerson University of Candian Law ~ Copyrights – Libraries & Archives & Resources

Canadian Copyright Law ~ Do’s & Don’ts

Canadians BEWARE ~ Copyrights & NAFTA 


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